
Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Kahui Tieke

This week we moved into our new and amazing kahui 
when I walked into the new buildings
 I saw a bookshelf, a tv with lights, tiered seating and then I saw my amazing teacher and then I saw Mr. Tisch

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

2040 documentary

What excited you, surprised you, and worried you? That a whole village had solar panels 

What are 2 things that you have learned? that we should take better care of the environment
and that we should stop littering

What I would like to see in 2040? more solar panels and an eco-friendly earth

Friday, 13 September 2019

Hurumanu - Solar Energy

Aim: To find out which colour attracts the suns heat.

Hypothesis: I think silver and black is going to attract the heat.


  1.  Cup
  2.  Thermometer 
  3.  paper
  4.  water
  5.  black rubbish bag
  6. tinfoil 


  1.   get materials off Mr Palmer   
  2.  set up your materials 
  3.  put water in your cups 
  4.  put the thermometer 
  5. wait for 10 to 15 minute.
  6. Record your answers 
This is our cups of water and they are heating up and we are recording the findings. 


Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

In conclusion, my finding state black  attracted the most heat

Conclusion That black attracts the most heat. And that people in hot countries put white things on their roofs to cool the house down.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

cip blog

How are we going to spread our message to the community?
Put it on facebook or in the newspaper

Who do you think will get involved? friends and family
 How many kgs do you predict we will collect? 100Kgs
because there is a lot of people  

What should we do with the donation money we receive
from TerraCycle? get some new stationery
for the classes who donated

Monday, 9 September 2019

blog about author Ella west

1  In period 1 Ella west came to hornby high school and she told us about her books night vision and rain fall. She told us that in night vision veola had a jenndick  Order  that means she is alerjick to the sun.

2 Ella west lived in West port .
That she has a sheep farm just out of Dunedin. 

3 In night vision veola witnessed a murder. 
That she can't go out side.

4 In rain full there is a girl called Annie 
That Annie's dad works on a coal train.

5 Ella west coming to our school and talking to us about her books.
The best thing was that we got to hear some facts about her books and her.
The thing I loved the most was seeing an author.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Climate Chaos

In science, we did an expert about the water cycle. In expert 1 it was just water.


Exp 1
Climate Chaos


To understand the water cycle 


(1 x Ziplock bag
(1 x 50ml hot water 
(2 x drops of blue food colouring  
(1 x black vivid 


Get Ziplock bag 
Get 50 ml of water 
Get black vivid 
Draw the water cycle
Add water 
Place the bag on the window in the sunlight


The water and the baking are the same as just water one.
The good thing was that they raised a lot.

In expert 2 it was baking soda and water.


Exp 2
Climate Chaos


To understand the water cycle 


(1 x Ziplock bag
(1 x 50ml hot water 
(1 teaspoon baking soda 
(2 x drops of blue food colouring  
(1 x black vivid 


Get Ziplock bag 
Get 50 ml of water 
Get black vivid 
Draw the water cycle
Add baking soda 
Add water 
Place the bag on the window in the sunlight


The water and the baking are the same as just water one.
The good thing was that the baking soda made it rise.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Elderly daycare visit

Elderly daycare visit

On wednesday last week we went to the elderly daycare with people in my CIP. What we did was talk and I like to talk to elderly people. They have the best story's about what they did when the where younger. There was a beach ball that had questions on it and we had to ask a question.