We are going to have a coloring composition and Zayd, Daniel and I were in a group. We came up with the ideas. What we did was that we had to come up with ideas for A coloring composition. We watched a video about mindful coloring. It was a good video because it tort us about the meaning of mindful coloring.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Monday, 17 June 2019
P.E hurumanu blog post
Miss Simpsons class
What makes a good team player?
What skills and attributes do you need to display | use
Working hard/Following the rules/Getting on with my work/ Having fun and have a break and resting
What is your role within your team? Keghan upporter ( Offside )
What does your role involve?
Support/ Tard work/Energy/Fun/Cheering/Encouraging
how could you be a better team player?
Make sure I am always watching/Being positive/Having a good attitude/Trying my best
What makes a good team player?
What skills and attributes do you need to display | use
Working hard/Following the rules/Getting on with my work/ Having fun and have a break and resting
What is your role within your team? Keghan upporter ( Offside )
What does your role involve?
Support/ Tard work/Energy/Fun/Cheering/Encouraging
how could you be a better team player?
Make sure I am always watching/Being positive/Having a good attitude/Trying my best
Friday, 14 June 2019
d.t post
What do you think Digital technology hurumanu will be about
I think I will be about creating digital tools and apps and games
What do you already know about digital tech eg apps etc
How to use YouTube and other Apps and games
What are you hoping to learn during this hurumanu
How to use some apps games and websites.
Individual Learning Log
Individual Learning Log
Analysis/ summary thoughts of video
Social issues are really anything that is a concern for society.
They’ll depend somewhat on the culture, community and country. |
Major current environmental issues may include climate change,
pollution, environmental degradation, and resource depletion etc. |
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that covers a whole family of things that
have a real importance in everyday life. |
My Brainstorm for an issue I am interested in
| |
I'm interested in Addiction to games because people are always addicted to games
and they think it's real.
The people getting immune to the game and start to kill people.
Hurumanu - The Case of the Barefoot Burglar
In groups of 3, you are going to need to use your forensic knowledge to solve a crime. You must use the web page: Barefoot Burglar Evidence
- Determine which of the four suspects is the "Barefooted Burglar"?
- What do you think was the motive for this crime?
- Write the results of your findings and convince a jury of your peers
The Crime
At approximately 7:15 a.m., Friday morning, Mrs King, the science teacher, thought something was fishy as she walked down the hall and noticed that her door was open. She walked into her classroom and immediately discovered that the small aquarium had been broken and her prized goldfish were gasping in the sink. Besides the broken aquarium were the shattered remains of the pink piggy bank that had been on the shelf above the aquarium. A can of blue paint was spilt on the floor. Footprints of a barefooted burglar led to an open window. Bits of a white powdery substance was found next to the broken, empty, piggy bank. The only other item found was a half-eaten large chunk of chocolate candy.
When the police arrived they immediately began to gather forensic evidence.
Height: 152 cm Alias: Lucky Lady | ||||
Peg is a librarian known for hanging horseshoes and four-leaf clovers in her library. Employees say she is so superstitious she insisted on carpeting in the library instead of laying tiles so she would not step on the cracks. She wraps construction zone tape around open ladders so no one can walk under them. Cola bottles litter her office, which she drinks with chocolate chunks. Her teeth are chipped from knocking the bottles against them. She is always throwing salt over her shoulder for good luck and keeps a salt shaker in her purse. Her alibi is that she was busy closing open umbrellas the morning of the crime. |
Jake the Jock
Height 201 cm
Alias: Armchair Quarterback
Jake the Jock is known for quoting statistics on every sport from boomerang throwing to sledge dogging. His neighbours report that he is the neighbourhood pitcher for baseball games. Last year a baseball hit him in the mouth and knocked out his front tooth. This has cramped his eating style of chocolate chunks, candied apples, and corn on the cob. His wife claims that on the morning of the crime Jake was rubbing his hands with cornstarch to keep them dry in preparation for an important baseball game.
Lou Lou Height: 160 cm Alias: Sweet Tooth | |
Lou Lou is so addicted to sugar that she never leaves home without it. She loves to bake sweet things and has an entire pantry full of sugar bins. She claims to have been baking her famous chocolate chunk cookies the morning of the crime (although not a morsel of the cookie or chocolate chunk was left when the police arrived.) Lou Lou rarely wears shoes, which often causes her to slip and break things, especially her collection of ceramic pigs. Evidence: |
- Fingerprints: Sticky, 'swirl' fingerprints were lifted from the aquarium and piggy bank.
- Footprints: The painted footprints were measured and were for 26 cm feet.
- Teeth: The chunk of chocolate candy was collected for examination. It appeared there were teeth imprints.
- White Powder: The white powdery substance by the piggy bank was carefully placed in a plastic bag and taken to the forensic chemist for identification. It had very small grains and when mixed with Iodine it reacted making the colour brown. It did not have a smell.
Name: Dave
Fingerprints: No.
Mouth prints: Has a chipped tooth.
Shoe size: 16
White powder: None found.
Shoe size: 16
White powder: None found.
Dan | Fingerprints: Whorl ( but think its the closest to the suspect) Mouthprints: Missing Teeth Shoe size: Height ( 176cm) White powder: Baking Soda |
Peg | Fingerprints: Arch Mouthprints: Chipped Teeth Shoe size: Height ( 152cm) White powder: Salt |
Jake | Fingerprints: Whorl Mouthprints: Missing a lot of teeth but he's saying he's missing his front tooth. Shoe size: Height ( 201cm) White powder: CornStarch |
Lou | Fingerprints: Arch Mouthprints: Perfect Teeth or None Shoe size: Height ( 160cm ) White powder: Sugar |
Findings: ( what did you find. Summarise what you have written in the table above)
We found that Dans Fingerprints are a whirl but we also think that they are the closest to the crime, IHis mouth prints have missing teeth. Dan's height is 176cm NZ height. The White Powder that he loves or was working with was Baking Soda. Pegs Fingerprints came out to be an Arch, She always has chipped teeth and lost teeth from banging her teeth on the bottles. Her height is 152 cm, we also found out that she had a bottle of sugar in her purse and gets a pinch and throws it over her shoulder for "Good Luck". Jakes fingerprints are a whorl. The mouthparts from Jake was the missing teeth but he says he's only lost his front tooth even though there are more missing teeth at the back. His height is 201 cm. He was with cornstarch at the time when the scene happened. Lou has an Arch for her fingerprint. We can't figure out if she has Perfect teeth or None, I think that's its none because she loves lots of sweets. Her Height is 160cm and because she loves sweets she has lots of sugar jars in her cupboard as well.
We found that Dans Fingerprints are a whirl but we also think that they are the closest to the crime, IHis mouth prints have missing teeth. Dan's height is 176cm NZ height. The White Powder that he loves or was working with was Baking Soda. Pegs Fingerprints came out to be an Arch, She always has chipped teeth and lost teeth from banging her teeth on the bottles. Her height is 152 cm, we also found out that she had a bottle of sugar in her purse and gets a pinch and throws it over her shoulder for "Good Luck". Jakes fingerprints are a whorl. The mouthparts from Jake was the missing teeth but he says he's only lost his front tooth even though there are more missing teeth at the back. His height is 201 cm. He was with cornstarch at the time when the scene happened. Lou has an Arch for her fingerprint. We can't figure out if she has Perfect teeth or None, I think that's its none because she loves lots of sweets. Her Height is 160cm and because she loves sweets she has lots of sugar jars in her cupboard as well.
Verdict: ( who is the burglar and why)I
think that its either Dan the Man or Peg the Leg. Because Dan blamed the dog from feeding the chocolate kisses to him. Peg knocks her teeth out by the bottles as shes drinking but it looks like she has only chipped them although there are a lot of teeth marks in the chocolate chunk, I also think that Lou gave Peg a chocolate cookie from the chuck it must have fallen out of the cookie.
http://www.cyberbee.com/whodunnit/crimescene.htmlthink that its either Dan the Man or Peg the Leg. Because Dan blamed the dog from feeding the chocolate kisses to him. Peg knocks her teeth out by the bottles as shes drinking but it looks like she has only chipped them although there are a lot of teeth marks in the chocolate chunk, I also think that Lou gave Peg a chocolate cookie from the chuck it must have fallen out of the cookie.
Crazy Crystals
Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make crystals
Definition of the solution:
A liquid mixture, when something is dissolved into a liquid (eg: sugar in water)
Definition of saturated:
Having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something (when no more sugar or borax can be dissolved into the water)
In groups of three, you will make three different types of crystals and compare the results.
Ratio; 3 Tablespoons Borax per 1/2 cup water
1) Pipe Cleaners
2) Peg
3) Borax
4) Stirring Stick
5) Warm Water
Step 1: Shape pipe cleaners into stars
Step 2: Hang star o
Step 3: Label your cup
Step 4: Make up a salt solution
Step 5: Tie some string onto your stirring stick
Step 6: Make sure the string is in the Saturated solution
Sugar Crystals
Ratio: 1 cup sugar to 1/2 cup water
1) String
2) Sugar
3) Cup
4) Stirring Stick
5) Warm Water
Step 1: Make your Saturated mixture
Step 2: Mix it for about 5-10 mins
Step 3: Tie a piece of string onto your stirring stick
Step 4: Place it into your mixture and
Step 5: Wait for maybe a week
Ratio: 4 Tablespoons salt to 1/2 cup water
1) Pipe Cleaners
2) String
3) Pegs
4) Cups
5) Salt
Step 1: Make your Saturated mixture
Step 2: Mix it for about 5-10 mins
Step 3: Tie a piece of string onto your stirring stick
Step 4: Place it into your mixture and
Step 5: Wait for maybe a week
Describe your crystals in the table below.
Extra Findings while mixing...
I found that when mixing it takes a little while to make the mixture but also when you leave it for a few seconds, and you scrape your stick along the bottom and bring your stick up it still has borax on it but then dissolves again.
Crystal Type
(Describe the shape)
(of individual crystals)
(Crumbly to Rock Hard)

Round squared ball
Big and SmallHard

Medium Smooth

What crystals worked out best and why?:
Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make crystals
Definition of the solution:
A liquid mixture, when something is dissolved into a liquid (eg: sugar in water)
Definition of saturated:
Having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something (when no more sugar or borax can be dissolved into the water)
In groups of three, you will make three different types of crystals and compare the results.

Ratio; 3 Tablespoons Borax per 1/2 cup water
1) Pipe Cleaners
2) Peg
3) Borax
4) Stirring Stick
5) Warm Water
Step 1: Shape pipe cleaners into stars
Step 2: Hang star o
Step 3: Label your cup
Step 4: Make up a salt solution
Step 5: Tie some string onto your stirring stick
Step 6: Make sure the string is in the Saturated solution
Sugar Crystals
1) String
2) Sugar
3) Cup
4) Stirring Stick
5) Warm Water
Step 1: Make your Saturated mixture
Step 2: Mix it for about 5-10 mins
Step 3: Tie a piece of string onto your stirring stick
Step 4: Place it into your mixture and
Step 5: Wait for maybe a week
Step 5: Wait for maybe a week

Ratio: 4 Tablespoons salt to 1/2 cup water
1) Pipe Cleaners
2) String
3) Pegs
4) Cups
5) Salt
Step 1: Make your Saturated mixture
Step 2: Mix it for about 5-10 mins
Step 3: Tie a piece of string onto your stirring stick
Step 4: Place it into your mixture and
Step 5: Wait for maybe a week
Describe your crystals in the table below.
Extra Findings while mixing...
I found that when mixing it takes a little while to make the mixture but also when you leave it for a few seconds, and you scrape your stick along the bottom and bring your stick up it still has borax on it but then dissolves again.
Crystal Type
(Describe the shape) |
(of individual crystals) |
(Crumbly to Rock Hard) |
| Round squared ball | Big and Small | Hard |
| Square | Medium | Smooth |
| Cube |
What crystals worked out best and why?:
Salt is formed by evaporation by salty water, like sea water. Enclosed bays are where you could find sea salt. In region places.
Most green plants produce sugars, they create a form of sugar. If a plant makes more food than it requires, it stores it. The sugar is made from many green plants.
A snowflake creates an ice crystal. Water Vapour freezes normal crystals, building new ones - A snowflake also has 6 arms, sometimes
Number of sides
Salt is formed by evaporation by salty water, like sea water. Enclosed bays are where you could find sea salt. In region places.
Most green plants produce sugars, they create a form of sugar. If a plant makes more food than it requires, it stores it. The sugar is made from many green plants.
A snowflake creates an ice crystal. Water Vapour freezes normal crystals, building new ones - A snowflake also has 6 arms, sometimes
Number of sides
| 3 |
Cube, Octahedron
Cube, octahedron
Dipyramid, Prism, rhombohedron
Zircon, rutile
Sulfur, topaz

Albite, rhodonite
Cube, Octahedron | |||
| 0 | Cube, octahedron | |
| 7 | Dipyramid, Prism, rhombohedron | |
| 0 | Zircon, rutile | |
| 2 | Sulfur, topaz | |
| Albite, rhodonite | ||
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